Boost Your Neuromuscular Performance

Muscle cramping can be a troublesome pain for athletes during training and competition. The HOTSHOT Neuromuscular Performance app tracks daily regimen and offers insights into preventing debilitating pain with expert guidance and nutrition tips.

  • My role was UI Design Lead creating MVP app to support HOTSHOT’s U.S. retail rollout

  • Produced user journey maps, wireframes, motion, prototypes, style guide and high-quality assets

  • Expanded upon the original branding, developed by Pentagram, to visually connect with the app experience

  • Art Directed athletic photo imagery 

  • Worked on accelerated schedule with agile team including Project Manger, Strategy, Copywriter, Motion, Developers during 5 week sprint

  • Agency: Grain Group NYC

I joined this project as the Lead Designer and was tasked with creating the wireframes, UI, prototypes and visuals. The app MVP was created in conjunction with a new marketing website and store for the HOTSHOT sports shot national retail launch.

Visual Design Process



High level goals:

Help users monitor, reduce and prevent muscle cramps

Introduce HOTSHOT as a sports health brand that enhances performance

Create a customizable experience that enables users with specific health tips based on their physical activity

User Flow


 Low-Fi Wireframes

  • Muscle cramps and soreness start when your nerves become hyper-excited and blast your tired muscles with repetitive, uncontrollable signals.

  • Those stimulated nerves then send a calming signal to your spinal cord.

  • HOTSHOT Sports Shot starts to work by triggering the sensory nerves located in your mouth and esophagus.

  • The signals inhibit the repetitive firing of hyperactive nerves into your muscles — to quickly stop muscle cramps and reduce next-day muscle soreness.


New user onboarding experience for the HOTSHOT app.



A new user is led through a series of questions pertaining to details about their muscle cramps, body measurements and training routines in order to establish a baseline for initial recommendations.

 Thank you


Heating Up HOTSHOT Ecommerce


Delivering a New Design System for Domino’s